Maybe the last thing you’ve been thinking about is the design of your home.  Or maybe, with all the time we’ve all been spending at home, the changes you’d like to make seem apparent.  Working in your living room, at your kitchen table, playing with your kids all across the house – the space we’ve designed for ourselves has never felt, well, closer to home. posted an article in December 2019 detailing design trends they thought were on their way out the door in 2020. On that list was the minimalism trend we’ve seen for the last several years – with its clean lines, white walls, Scandinavian touch and minimal furniture and décor.


We’ve seen beautiful minimalist homes, and maybe that’s still what you thrive in. We’ve also seen a trend in adding more cozy details to home design, and we’re all about it. From more ornate rugs, to stacks of books, or my personal favorite, LOTS of blankets, there are ways that make you home choices easy to settle into and welcome your family and friends around you. They don’t cost a fortune to change either. So here’s what we’re doing during our time of “social distancing.” We’re preparing for inviting people back in.


3 Questions to Ask Yourself when you’re Home during COVID-19:


How do I feel in this room?

When you walk into a room, how does it make you feel? Peaceful? Overwhelmed? Welcome? Try and pinpoint one or two things that are causing that impression. Understanding what causes how we feel in a space vs just breezing through is key.

What pieces and things haven’t helped create what I want?

Minimalism isn’t all bad, even if it’s not your main style! One of the best lessons to take from it is that you don’t need a ton in your space to create something beautiful, comfortable, and personal.  One thing that can immediately transform your space is to figure out what is useful and what is not – and get rid of some of the clutter or older pieces that don’t “spark joy.”

What is one thing that you’d like to add to the room?

Adding can be just as good as taking away! When you’re building a home, we actually recommend some of the things realtor’s tell you to not do when trying to sell. Things like putting up photos of your family, displaying your favorite blown glass piece, or something personal. We minimize these things when we want someone else to envision the life they could have in this house.  And it makes a huge difference in making a place feel like home when we add them.


We hope this helps you design (or redesign!) your home into a space you love. We’re thinking about all of you at home with your families, praying and hoping that you keep your spirits up and know that this won’t last forever.  May the times you have together be special, and full of hope for more nights of having friends over and enjoying the company of others in your own space.




The Christian Mortgage Mom
