Spring is the season to pack boxes and rent movers and U-Hauls and transport your precious belongings into a new space.

So we wanted to share a few “moving hacks” with you, starting with a very simple one that we’ve found to be super helpful…

Buy or borrow extra storage bins.
The big ones.

Here’s why.

Once you’ve packed up the majority of your possessions into those perfectly square boxes, you’re always left with gobs of little chotchkies and toothbrushes and knick-knacks and pairs of scissors and shoes. Or maybe you forgot about that one hall closet that stores all your extra blankets.

Large storage bins are a move-saver when it comes to throwing your leftovers in something. You can even get different colored ones for each person in your family to keep track of where they need to go.

This isn’t rocket science. And it may not work for every family. But we know many people who have kept storage bins stacked on hand in their attic for just these moments. And the fun part is – you can either give them away or lend them to others who are moving. They somehow ALWAYS come in handy.

We wish you the best of luck if you’re one of those new homeowners making a big move this spring!