Cultivating a “Thin Place” in Your New Home

If you’ve been around the church community at all in the past decade, you’ve probably heard the phrase ‘a thin place’. If you haven’t heard this before, it’s often in reference to a spiritual experience where someone felt so close to God that the space between heaven and earth felt thin.

While a ‘thin place’ can be used to define a spiritual state, it can describe physical locations as well.

Some biblical examples of thin places would be any space where God’s presence was manifested on earth in special ways, like the Garden of Eden, Moses and the burning bush, the cloud / the pillar of fire, the Tabernacle, or the Sea of Galilee. 

We heard a pastor recently say that he took the time to develop a space like this in his own home. And he suggested dedicating a corner, nook, or comfy chair as a ‘thin place.’ He actually found a place in his basement, under the stairs, in a chair, with his favorite blanket, where he meets with God every morning. This private, mini sanctuary of sorts can be a place of preparation for the day – a pointing of our heart toward God.

If you’re moving into a new home and are hoping to grow your relationship with God, try finding a special place in your house… and a special time (preferably during kids-asleep hours, right?!)… where  you can be in that thin space with Jesus. We truly believe it’ll bring much peace and comfort to your home and your life.

We wish you the best moving into your new house!