A little bit of green in your house can do wonders for the winter blues. The great news is – there are a handful of EASY indoor plants that don’t require a ton of direct sunlight (or super green thumbs) to survive. Here’s a list of our top 3 nearly-unkillable, super cool-looking, easy-to-care-for houseplants:

Three Nearly-Unkillable Houseplants


Snake Plant

  • These plants make a statement and are great for interior decorating
  • Don’t let direct sun rays hit their leaves (unless it’s a little east / morning sun)
  • These plants don’t need to be watered often and are drought tolerant. So if you’re a forgetful plant waterer, add this to the list!


ZZ Plant

  • Great in North-facing windows and lower-light areas.
  • Don’t let direct sun rays hit their leaves (unless it’s a little east / morning sun)
  • These plants also don’t need to be watered often and are drought tolerant. 


Pothos Plant

  • If you’re all about the viney look, these plants are for you. Great on a table or hanging from the ceiling. 
  • While they may need watered slightly more often than the ZZ or Snake plants, they are very hardy and can survive even the palest of green thumbs!


A few tips to keep them alive:


Tip #1:

A common misconception is that you can place low-light plants in the dark corners or hallways of your home. Keep in mind plants need to see a little bit of the sky through a window to survive. While a plant may hold on a long time in that dark corner, it will eventually give up without sunlight.


Tip #2:

These plants need to be watered less often if they don’t receive much light. (Sunlight helps them use up the water you feed them. The less sunlight, the less water they need!) Try to underwater versus overwater your plant. Plants can sometimes pop back to life if they’re a little dry. But overwatering produces root rot that takes a plant down in the span of a week or two!


Tip #3:

Keep in mind that if you have cats, dogs, kids, or other pets that like to gnaw on leaves, you’ll want to research how safe these plants are around them (or keep them out of reach!).


Tip #4:

Keep your plants away from intense drafts from windows or heating/cooling vents. This tends to dry them out / shock them, and the plant might die.


Even some of the most experienced botanists kill plants, so don’t be discouraged if one of yours bites the dust!